Monday, August 25, 2014

Move-in Day

Move-in day is here at last!

Even after preparing myself for the goodbyes, there was no avoiding the fact that as memories were recalled, tears would flow. The nostalgia was vibrant within our packed car on our way to the Bay.

First I had to say goodbye to my pets. Leaving my precious Greasy and Dora was much harder than I expected.

The car was all packed up and ready to go. We had very limited space in the car due to the immense load of stuff I had all packed up.

Visiting my sister in Sacramento was a necessity before my big move in day. We ventured to the quaint Farmer's Market and then took a family selfie before finishing the journey to the Bay. 

Finally we made it to San Francisco! The "Becca in the Bay" party was a hit! Lovely to see all of my relatives before going off to college.

There was no delaying it - I had to finally move on from home. Luckily I had my parents to help move everything in and wait in long lines with me.
 With my mom's organized mind to help me out, putting everything away and up took only about 3 hours. I recommend to any college bound students that you accept the help of the parentals when it comes to moving in. It would've taken so much longer without them and it really was a fitting close to an amazing life with my family at home.
While it's tight, I actually was able to fit everything into my cramped closet!

Moving in is an exciting day, yet it truly is bitter sweet. The elation is buzzing all around you, yet the dreaded "goodbyes" are hanging over your head ready to pounce. 
 This one is a shot of my dad and me. Fortunately you can't see my red puffy eyes from crying because of my giant new sunglasses.

 After saying goodbye to the family, I embarked on a journey with a friend. Here's a picture of Sonja and me at Caltopia, where we also got free t-shirts, among other things.

No one will ever be able to replace the unconditional love and support parents provide. However, I'm starting to realize that one of the best things about college is that you are able to meet awesome people who end up giving you that much needed love and support in your home away from home. Eventually, bonds will form and any and all friends I have will just make up that new family that everyone so desperately needs.

Until next time, lads.

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